The Art of Career Self-Care with Minda Zetlin Part 1

In today’s episode of Dadages, Chad Hagle dives deep into the realm of career self-care with Minda Zetlin, author of “Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work.” Minda shares invaluable insights on how integrating self-care into our careers can lead to greater productivity, satisfaction, and overall health. From debunking the myth of multitasking to discussing the benefits of setting boundaries between work and personal life, this episode is packed with advice that challenges conventional work norms and promotes a healthier professional lifestyle.
[00:00] Introduction to the episode and guest Minda Zetlin
[01:50] Minda Zetlin introduces the concept of career self-care
[05:14] Real-life consequences of neglecting self-care in professional settings
[10:29] The importance of setting boundaries for work and personal life
[14:23] Discussion on work-life balance and its practical application
[20:40] How employers can create healthy work environments without overstepping boundaries
[27:04] Personalizing work norms to suit different lifestyles and career goals
Minda Zetlin’s book: “Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work”
Articles on,, and


The Art of Career Self-Care Part 2

In the second part of our engaging interview with Minda Zetlin, author of “Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work,” we delve into the power of community and the distinction between mentors and sponsors in the workplace. Minda emphasizes the importance of community, both personally and professionally, and shares how these networks have significantly influenced her career and personal life. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a corporate professional, or someone navigating career transitions, this episode offers profound insights into building meaningful connections and maintaining balance.
[00:00] Introduction and recap of the previous episode
[01:44] The importance of community in personal and professional life
[04:13] Minda’s personal background and its impact on her views about community
[06:41] The roles and benefits of being a mentor and having one
[11:28] The critical difference between a mentor and a sponsor
[17:44] Minda’s motivations as an author and the personal satisfaction from writing
[22:24] How family roles influence and are influenced by professional experiences
[26:58] Closing fun segment with Minda sharing a favorite joke
Minda Zetlin’s book: “Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work”
Articles on,, and
Connect with Minda Zetlin:


Entrepreneurs Corner with Liz Hall – Crafting Digestive Solutions for Travelers

In this episode, Chad continues his chat with Liz Hall, the innovative mind behind Travel-Eeze, a digestive regularity product designed for travelers. After a recap of Liz’s journey and the birth of Travel-Eeze, we delve into the gritty realities of entrepreneurship, exploring distribution challenges, marketing strategies, and leveraging conferences for business growth.
0:00 Introduction and recap of previous episode
1:05 Discussion on challenges with co-packers and maintaining product quality
5:00 Strategies for direct consumer sales and dealing with platform hiccups
10:00 Effective advertising on various platforms and transitioning from paid ads to more organic, engagement-driven strategies
15:00 Exploring specialty sales channels within the travel sector
20:00Preparing for and leveraging conferences for networking and business expansion
25:00 Budgeting for startups and the significance of grassroots marketing
30:00 Q&A on capital raising, grant applications, and partnerships


Entrepreneur’s Corner with Liz Hall, Travel-eeze

In this episode of “Dadages,” host Chad Hagle and guest Liz Hall discuss the often-overlooked topic of gut health. Liz shares her transition from flight attendant to entrepreneur, driven by her own health issues, and introduces her product, Travel-eeze, designed to combat travel-related digestive problems with natural ingredients. The episode blends personal stories with entrepreneurial insights, emphasizing the importance of gut health and innovative health solutions.
Chapter Timeline:
00:00 – Introduction: Chad kicks off the episode with the theme of gut health.
00:26 – Guest Introduction: Liz Hall’s background and entry into health entrepreneurship.
02:42 – Entrepreneurial Origins: Liz discusses her shift from flight attendant to entrepreneur.
03:26 – Family Influence: Liz and Chad share stories of family-driven entrepreneurship.
06:11 – Introduction to Travel-eeze: Liz explains the inspiration behind her product.
08:10 – Inspiration Story: Liz shares a personal story driving her product’s creation.
13:02 – Deep Dive into Product: Discussion on Travel-eeze’s ingredients and benefits.
15:41 – Product Pitch: Liz highlights the uniqueness of Travel-eeze.
17:28 – Market Differentiation: What sets Travel-eeze apart in the market.
22:11 – Future Plans: Liz talks expansion and new products.
26:52 – Business Development: Upcoming business opportunities and growth.
31:57 – Career Balance: The sustainability of balancing multiple careers.
35:03 – Closing Remarks: Recap and emphasis on discussing gut health.


Beyond Capital: Charlie Einsmann’s Roadmap to Real Estate Success Part 2

In the insightful continuation of our interview with Charlie Einsmann, a fellow real estate entrepreneur and author of “Real Estate Investing: Roadmap to Wealth,” we dive deeper into the fundamentals of real estate investing, the concept of capital stacks, and the personal journeys that shape a successful investor. Charlie shares a wealth of knowledge on starting in real estate, understanding liquidity, and surviving tough times in the business. Furthermore, he touches on the importance of fatherly wisdom, financial discipline, and the impact of family upbringing on business acumen. This episode is not just about real estate; it’s about life lessons, the value of perseverance, and the legacy we aim to leave behind.
Chapter Timeline:
[0:00] – Quick recap and introduction to Part 2 with Charlie Einsmann.
[0:32] – Chad Hagle reopens the conversation, focusing on deep real estate insights.
[1:41] – Charlie breaks down the concept of a capital stack in real estate.
[4:14] – Exploring beyond finances: Accessing capital with equity.
[5:12] – Charlie emphasizes the critical role of liquidity in investing.
[7:21] – Discussion on money flow and preparing for tough times.
[10:57] – Approaches to recession-proofing a real estate business.
[13:08] – Charlie reflects on the impactful lessons from his upbringing.
[16:13] – Early real estate education from Charlie’s mother.
[19:53] – Navigating fatherhood and young adults’ business aspirations.
[25:03] – Involving family in business and setting expectations.
[33:12] – Charlie’s philanthropic efforts and community giving.
[43:40] – Goals of Clear Sky Sports Angels and its impact on youth.
[52:37] – The episode wraps with dad jokes from Charlie and Chad.


Beyond Capital: Charlie Einsmann’s Roadmap to Real Estate Success

In this enlightening episode of the Dadages podcast, host Chad Hagle sits down with real estate guru Charlie Einsmann to unravel the complexities of leveraging credit for wealth creation in the real estate market. Charlie, a co-author of “Roadmap to Wealth: Real Estate Investing,” shares his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in the real estate industry, emphasizing the critical role of building a strong team, the art of navigating through financial crises, and the strategic use of credit versus capital. This episode not only sheds light on the importance of financial savvy in real estate investing but also intertwines the essence of dad wisdom with professional growth, making it a must-listen for aspiring investors and seasoned professionals alike.
Chapters Timeline:
0:00 – Introduction to the Episode
0:54 – Welcoming Charlie Einsmann
3:00 – Discussing the Importance of Teamwork
5:00 – The Evolution of Clear Sky Companies
10:00 – Learning from the 2008 Financial Crisis
15:00 – Credit vs. Capital in Real Estate Investing
20:00 – Good Debt and Bad Debt
25:00 – Advice for New Investors
30:00 – Closing Thoughts 


The Art of Insubordination Part 2

In the second part of our engaging conversation with Todd Kashdan, we continue to explore the themes of his book, The Art of Insubordination. This episode delves deeper into the structural nuances of dissent, the importance of embracing diverse perspectives, and the impact of principled rebellion in both personal and professional contexts. Kashdan offers insights into the science of persuasion, the dynamics of power shifts, and the crucial role of dissent in fostering innovation. Additionally, we discuss how to cultivate bravery and resilience in the next generation, equipping them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges on their own terms.

Chapter Timings:
[0:00] Recap of Part 1 and introduction to the continuation of the discussion.
[2:27] The structural approach of Kashdan’s book and the concept of the nonconformist cookbook.
[4:16] Surprising findings from psychological studies on dissent and power dynamics.
[9:31] The critical role of allies in supporting unconventional ideas, with examples from history.
[13:34] The benefits and challenges of embracing diversity in thought and perspective.
[18:18] Managing perpetual dissenters in a productive manner.
[21:13] Kashdan shares personal anecdotes on parenting and empowering his daughters to challenge norms.
[27:39] Todd Kashdan shares a dad joke, embodying the spirit of humor and connection.


The Art of Insubordination

This enlightening episode of Dadages unpacks the complex yet liberating concept of insubordination, all through the lens of the timeless adage, “To thine own self be true.” We delve into what it means to stay authentic in a world that often demands conformity and welcome a special guest who shares their personal journey and insights on living truthfully.


Investing in Generosity: Chris Gardner on Philanthropy and Legacy

Today, we’re thrilled to have Chris Gardner with us, a man whose life story and philanthropic journey inspire us to look beyond the conventional understanding of charity. Chris, who found immense success against all odds, shares his insights on philanthropy as an investment in humanity and the importance of leaving a legacy that outlives us.

Chapters:[00:00] Introduction to the episode and Chris Gardner
[01:59] Chris’s motivation for joining the conversation and the common ground on philanthropy
[03:18] Exploring Chris’s role as a philanthropic strategist and the three levels of wealth
[07:18] The transformative power of living a legacy through generosity
[09:36] A real-life example of philanthropic strategy and impact
[15:07] The multiplier effect of generosity on personal wealth and societal benefit
[19:19] How Chris begins his philanthropic advising journey with new clients
[22:13] Chris’s upbringing and how it influenced his understanding of generosity
[27:37] The impact of fatherhood on Chris’s life and his philanthropic philosophy
[34:50] Chris’s journey to building a family and how it has influenced his outlook on legacy
[42:35] The importance of living a legacy and how to start embodying this principle today


Beyond the Game: Pioneers of Progress in Sports Part 2

In this enlightening second part of our conversation with Maya Washington and Tarana Harris, we dive deeper into the impactful stories of Gene Washington and Chuck Harris. Celebrating Black History Month, we explore their monumental contributions to sports and society, the realization of their legacies, and the powerful message of diversity and opportunity. Join us as we uncover the rich history within our guests’ households and discuss the importance of personal narratives in reshaping our understanding of diversity and success.
Chapter timeline:
0:00 – Episode Introduction
5:00 – Legacy and Realization
15:00 – Community and Brotherhood
20:00 – Challenges of Diversity
25:00 – Next Generation and Empowerment
30:00 – Storytelling and Listening
35:00 – Closing Reflections
