Chadding with Dads: a Conversation with Wayne Brandt and Ron Sturzenegger (Part 2)

In this week’s episode of Dadages, host Chad Hagle brings you the second part of the final interview of the series “It Takes Credit to Make Money” with Wayne Brandt and Ron Sturzenegger, experts on the banking system. The conversation continues with what Ron calls the “fifteen-minute rule,” the idea that your entire career or life can change in just 15 minutes. Chad, Wayne, and Ron discuss their “current fifteen minutes,” and how their careers are being influenced by current financial circumstances and global factors. They compare and contrast the situation of today and the Great Financial Crisis they went through. Then, the guests break down what has happened with the banking system lately, especially with Silicon Valley Bank, how it’s affected the economy, and the impact it might have on the near future from their perspective. They also explain what it could mean for the real estate industry and give some advice to investors on how to navigate high-interest rates, inflation, and the situation in general. Chad then discusses and gets the guests’ opinions on the changes he has seen in the topic of customer relationships, regulations, and systematic approaches in the banking world. Ron and Wayne also explain what it means to be a “better customer” of a bank, even at a time when banks are not able to be better lenders, and the benefits this brings. The next part of the interview focuses on Wayne’s and Ron’s backgrounds and upbringing. They share how factors like their family structure, work ethic, participation in sports, and an emphasis on education and teamwork taught them many lessons and led them to where they are today. Wayne and Ron also discuss how they strive to pass on these values to the next generation by leading by example, handling mistakes, creating a healthy culture, ownership, motivation, and showing the ethics of business to their teams. Finally, they explain how the same core values and ethics direct their roles as parents and their lives at home as well. Be sure to tune in to learn valuable insights about many aspects of business and life from a group of very experienced and successful professionals!


Chadding with Dads: a Conversation with Wayne Brandt and Ron Sturzenegger (Part 1)

In this week’s episode of Dadages, Chad Hagle hosts the first part of the last installment of the series “It Takes Credit to Make Money.” Chad is joined in the virtual studio by two titans of the banking industry and fellow Stanford Alumni Real Estate Council members, Wayne Brandt and Ron Sturzenegger. They were both successful senior banking executives, and both have since left the world of big banks to pursue other career adventures. Chad introduces the guests and all their impressive accomplishments. Wayne and Ron talk about their time at Stanford and how what they learned there, and in their graduate programs in prestigious east coast schools, and the mentors they encountered have been valuable in their lives and careers. The audience learns how the guests’ backgrounds lead them to the real estate industry. Chad, Wayne, and Ron then share the importance of the networks they have built throughout the years in school and different business settings, not only to become successful but also to mentor and help other people. Wayne and Ron also explain their roles in investment banking and their years at Wells Fargo and Bank of America, including the culture they created, the time of the financial crisis, and what they did to handle it. The conversation continues with insights about topics like capital and team management, motivation, navigating a highly regulated system, and helping clients make money. Finally, the guests tell some stories from their experience in investment banking and the career lessons they learned from them. Be sure to tune in to learn valuable information about the world of real estate investment and business in general from a group of very successful experts in the field, and come back next week for Part 2!


Entrepreneur’s Corner with Kent Keirsey

In this week’s episode of Dadages, Chad Hagle hosts the second installment of Entrepreneur’s Corner with a very special guest, entrepreneur Kent Keirsey, the founder of Acre Homes, a unique and innovative home-buying platform. 

Kent, a listener of Dadages, shares his story of being a father and a mentor with a passion to help others learn from his mistakes. Kent, like Chad, is a Stanford grad, where he completed the combined J.D./MBA program. Kent comes from a military family and also attended the West Point Military Academy. He decided to serve the country right before 9/11 happened, which he calls a pivotal moment in his life. Kent tells some stories and explains some challenges from his service years and his deployments in Iraq. 

Kent then shares how he went into real estate technology, found his co-founder and business partner, and learned to build a company. His product in real estate tech was a model that predicted how likely an individual was to sell their home in 6-12 months, using data from the individual and the property. It was a great pathway that eventually led to Acre Homes. 

The conversation continues with Chad putting Kent “in the spotlight” and giving him the opportunity to present what Acre is and why it’s important to him and to the Dadages audience. Kent talks about how his experience has taught him that giving people a sense of ownership in their place is crucial. Acre allows residents of homes to share in the ownership of that home, to have a better financial outcome over the time they’re at the home, and to have a better experience, which all, in turn, provide a better outcome for investors. Kent goes on to give more details about how Acre works as a business and its benefits. Chad and Kent then share insights and important components of residential real estate that are different from what Chad regularly encounters in his business. 

To continue the conversation, the tables are turned and the guest becomes the interviewer. Kent asks for Chad’s opinion on mitigating and managing risk when going to investors. Chad explains the different kinds of risk and how to accommodate them to potential changes in the market, which the business model needs to be prepared for, and the importance of articulating the way the company is going to be resilient to investors and lenders. Chad also mentions the role of committed team members, management, and key people who are aligned with the business. 

Next, Kent seeks Chad’s insight on the differences and similarities between investing in technology and real estate. Chad gives one piece of advice that guides all his investments, “trying to find the right balance between diversification and concentration,” which means committing to the things he feels strongest about in a substantial way to see a worthy return. He advises Kent to work on acquiring not only individual customers but also some of the institutional players within the residential real estate space because they can evolve into strategic investors in the future. Finally, Chad also gives several pieces of general advice for Kent to implement as his company scales, such as hiring, processes, culture, communication, accountability, and creating a resilient structure that can grow. 

This is the second episode of the Entrepreneur's Corner series, where the script is flipped and the guest gets to ask the host questions. Make sure you tune in to learn all about the real estate world from two very experienced entrepreneurs in that field.


Looking Back

In this week’s solocast and first-ever Father’s Day episode of Dadages, host Chad Hagle discusses the Dadage “High achievers and entrepreneurs are wired to look ahead, but sometimes it is just as important to look back.” Chad explains how he sees the world with a type of vision that comes from a combination of analytics and intuition, which helps him recognize patterns and potential outcomes while also using past experiences. Additionally, he talks about living in the moment and being present, how he uses some principles from Buddhism, philosophy, and yoga to accomplish this, and the importance of taking time to look at the past and understand it. Chad shares with the audience the significance of knowing history to avoid the mistakes that have led to bad consequences in the past, the dangers of information manipulation, and how to be good masters of our own memories. Finally, Chad applies all this knowledge to a business context and gives some actionable tools that can be implemented in a work environment as well as some tips to be used in everyday life. Be sure to tune in to learn valuable insights about looking back and forming and using meaningful memories, along with a few dad jokes just in time for Father’s Day!


Some of the Greatest Deals of my Career are the Ones I Didn’t Do

In this week’s solocast episode of Dadages, host Chad Hagle discusses a Dadage he learned from one of his mentors, “Some of the greatest deals of my career are the ones I didn’t do.” Chad talks about the notion of real estate as a risk management business, not an opportunity-seeking business. He shares some stories of deals he didn’t do in his career with the audience, emphasizing how he came to those decisions, all the factors he took into account, and the reasons why they were the right choices for his business and life overall. Chad explains how roads not taken and opportunities not pursued can be good and help avoid bad consequences and preserve the potential for greater long-term success. Finally, Chad warns the Dadages friends and family about the dangers of losing money on deals that don’t get done, through overhead and other costs, with examples from his own experience. Be sure to tune in to learn valuable information about real estate deals and decision-making from a business perspective. 


Entrepreneur’s Corner with Ryan Lawrence (Part 2)

In this week’s episode of Dadages, host Chad Hagle continues his conversation with Ryan Lawrence in the first installment of Entrepreneur’s Corner. Chad and Ryan are in Santa Clarita, CA, at Ryan’s Vintage Chariots retail location.  

The discussion begins with the topic of capital raising for early-stage companies. Ryan gets Chad’s insight on how to navigate the world of venture capital and seeking investments, who to approach, how much to ask for, and ways to spend money from investors effectively. Chad emphasizes the importance of confidence and knowing how to tell your story in a compelling way that shows potential, as this relates to success with investors as well. Chad also offers advice on protecting your brand, keeping it clear,  and how to use trademarks and intellectual property correctly as a company grows. 

The talk continues with an important topic for any business: money. Ryan asks for Chad’s opinion on how to manage inventory and keep costs down, specifically in apparel. “It’s very unpredictable,” is how Chad describes it; therefore, it’s important to create a good relationship with suppliers to negotiate reorders in a way that allows the business to identify what specific products are successful without amassing inventory and maximizing the cost, or even coming up with alternative methods of production for the top products. Chad also offers tips to increase sales in the store and engage the customers and strategies to deal with excess inventory while still generating value. 

The next topic the interview touches on is scalability. Ryan shares his concerns about possibly cheapening his brand as it continues to grow. Chad’s fundamental piece of  advice regarding this is “grow cautiously.” This means growing while preserving the integrity of the brand and what makes it unique. He mentions the fact that he favors incremental businesses in his own investments, those that get profitable and then get big. 

Ryan then talks about some of the specific aspects of his business, like his margins, prices, his customer base, and quality of his products in the industry. Chad and Ryan also discuss the changes the business can go through as it scales in the future. Chad once again advises to stick with what works and continue doing it. Finally, Chad gives guidance to Ryan on how to delegate. Ryan has handled all the details of his business so far, and while he wants to maintain his creativity, he recognizes that he needs help sometimes. 

This is the second part of the first series of the new Entrpeneur’s Corner format, where the script is flipped and the guest asks the host questions. Make sure you tune in to learn about all the different aspects of business from experienced entrepreneurs. 


Entrepreneur’s Corner with Ryan Lawrence (Part 1)

For the first time, host Chad Hagle goes on-site to Southern California to meet with entrepreneur Ryan Lawrence.  

Ryan Lawrence was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California where his family was full of civil servants. Listen in to stories of how Ryan, earlier in his career, was a real-life version of a Beverly Hills cop. Ryan says that he is “not a total mechanic” but does “appreciate the style and history” of vintage cars. Ryan still owns the 1964 Ford Falcon Ranchero that he got when he turned 16 years old. Today, he is the thriving owner of, which has two retail stores in the Los Angeles area. 

“It’s like a family experience,” Ryan describes of being a part of car culture. It’s about more than men looking at metal, it’s about storytelling. Ryan appreciates the history, style, and the experiences behind the automobile industry. He has established himself as a resource for the classic car community, connecting with people who share a passion. 

To continue the conversation, Chad and Ryan turn the tables, and Ryan becomes the interviewer, asking Chad the questions this time. Ryan “pitches” his brands, Chariots Inc and Vintage Chariots, to Chad. He explains that there was a need for a lifestyle brand to exemplify the automotive and outdoor culture that relied on not only style but also high-quality materials, giving people the opportunity to express themselves and show what they love doing. 

Ryan gets Chad’s insight on how to promote himself and gain exposure when started a brand to let people know what the company represents. Even though Chad doesn’t consider himself an expert in marketing, he shares some of the lessons he’s learned in his own journey. “You have to maintain consistency” is his first piece of advice. Share your message continuously and simplify it as much as possible, associate the person with the brand and the story behind it.

Ryan explains how his brand went from vintage to Chariots Inc to include modern car enthusiasts. Chad shares his thoughts on how and how much brands can transition and change while still remaining true to their message without confusing their audience. They also discuss retail and sales strategies in the world of cars, touching on things like design, fashion, stores, location, and how to attract people’s attention visually. Finally, Chad gives Ryan advice on creating a good online presence and ways to reach more people in the environment around him and his space. 

This is the first part in a two-part series where the script is flipped and the guest will be asking the host questions. Make sure you follow through and listen in to Entrepreneur’s Corner, the latest and greatest format brought to you by Dadages Podcast.


The Distance Between Success and Failure (Part 2)

In this week’s solocast episode of Dadages, host Chad Hagle continues the discussion of the Dadage, “The distance between success and failure in my career has been measured by one variable – the ability to create a sense of urgency,” this time focusing on project management and a successful organizational structure. Chad emphasizes how efficiency supports a “return on time” business model. He also shares the best practices and principles cultivated in his organization, which have proven to be effective in his business. Chad explains the importance of elements such as specific and clear deadlines and due dates, action items vs tasks, well-developed processes and procedures, and managing resources outside the organization, specifically contractors. Be sure to tune in to learn valuable insights about the critical role that project and time management play in any organization or business.


Chadding with Dads: A Conversation with Gary Rappaport (Part 2)

In this episode, host Chad Hagle continues the conversation with his mentor Gary Rappaport, founder and CEO of the Rappaport Company. In this second part of the interview, Gary shares his experience in business partnerships and how he’s handled some challenges that have come along with them. Gary and Chad also talk about the role of marriage and family in their lives. Gary offers insight into his family dynamics and emphasizes the importance of spending time making sure his family life is healthy while managing a successful business. Gary also discusses his passion for teaching once again, this time through writing and publishing books, with a new one coming out soon. This episode continues the series titled “It takes credit to make money.” Be sure to tune in this week to gain valuable knowledge from one of the most respected voices in the shopping center industry about real estate, investments, family, and life in general. 


Chadding with Dads: A Conversation with Gary Rappaport (Part 1)

In this episode, host Chad Hagle sits down with his mentor Gary Rappaport for a conversation about real estate, entrepreneurship, and life. Gary, a native New Yorker who now calls the Washington DC Metropolitan area home, is the CEO of Rappaport, a retail real estate company he founded in 1984. In this first part of a two-part series, Chad and Gary discuss Gary's journey in the real estate industry and how he not only builds but also manages real estate. Gary also shares his unique syndication model for investing in real estate and how he structures partnerships for sharing capital appreciation and cash flow. Tune in to learn from one of the most respected voices in the shopping center industry and gain valuable insights on building and managing successful real estate investments.
